Professor Sheldrake is a well-recognised expert and commentator on current issues in management. He was formerly in the position of Executive Director, Australian Institute of Management – Victoria since 1988.

Professor Sheldrake has an established relationship with RMIT, he has been a member of the Graduate School Board for a number of years and was recently awarded the title of Adjunct Professor. He is also the Executive Secretary to the Asian Association of Management Organisations.

He became the first CEO of the Cranlana Program in 1997, where his pioneering work on values education and leadership has been developed extensively. The program is already making an important and unique contribution to leadership and management in Australia.

Professor Sheldrake is keen that RMIT should take advantage of its strong ties with partners in Asia to forge a distinctive set of management education programs that are more relevant to the region. He is of the view that Australian business schools can no longer afford to rely exclusively on American and European management models. The traditional Western management models will be used only as a base on which to build a distinctively Asian/Australian set of programs. RMIT Business expects this cross-cultural theme to boost its appeal to overseas students by integrating the various Asian approaches to management issues with local training and development ideas. "What I want to do is work with Asian countries and build stronger alliances to develop programs of interest to both sides," said Professor Sheldrake.



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